Autarquia federal vinculada ao Ministério do Meio Ambiente responsável por fiscalização, licenciamento e outras funções na área ambiental.
The Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) was created in 1989 from the merger of the Federal Secretariat for the Environment, the Brazilian Institute for Forestry Development, and the superintendencies of Rubber and Fishing. It has police power and performs tasks such as inspection and environmental licensing throughout the country, inside and outside areas protected by legislation. It can, among other attributions, act to prevent and combat deforestation, and fires, support social and environmental emergencies, promote environmental education, and define criteria for the sustainable use of fauna and flora resources. Its actions can take place in alignment and articulation with other federal, state, and municipal entities, as well as with organized civil society. State and municipal governments have similar competencies, but they do not fully coincide with those of the federal agency.
See also:
https://www.gov.br/ibama/pt-br/acesso-a-informacao/institucional/sobre-o-ibamaIbama não perdeu atribuições com normativa que regulamenta LC 140