Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in 2024

daily average Loading...
Real-time estimate

This clipping refers to the Brazilian Legal Amazon.

Source: MapBiomas based on DETER/INPE data. Click here to access the explanation of the calculation method.
of trees felled
daily average Loading...
Real-time estimate

This clipping refers to the Brazilian Legal Amazon.

Source: MapBiomas based on DETER/INPE data. Click here to access the explanation of the calculation method.
We will only be able to stop deforestation and keep the forest standing if we move forward together. Therefore, we invite everyone to engage in the cause, using



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Get to know PlenaMata

As levels of devastation of the Amazon biome reach record levels, it has never been more urgent to join forces to bring deforestation to an end and keep Amazonia alive.

PlenaMata is a platform that offers real-time deforestation data, supports campaigning, and provides content on what is happening in the Amazon, such as news, articles, and stories.

The dashboard of trees felled second-by-second, with estimated deforestation figures, is an important tool for highlighting the urgency of acting now.

We will only be able to stop deforestation if we move forward together

we invite everyone to learn about the movement and engage in the cause using

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PlenaMata Newsletter


trees cut down in 2024

PlenaMata Newsletter

trees cut down in 2024
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Archaeologist Eduardo Neves talks about indigenous evidence from thousands of years ago Sociobioeconomics transform the Amazon How many Amazons are there in the Amazon? Management of pirarucu is union between science and communities Yanomami Indigenous Territory at risk 38% of the Amazon already suffers from degradation ‘Mothers of the Mangrove’: Women Lead Project to Preserve Amazonian Mangroves Maial Kaiapó, indigenous leader and daughter of Paulinho Paiakan Tatiana Sá: Amazonian pioneering in Agroecology Cacao in the Amazon: from historical evolution to its role in the bioeconomy Ima Vieira: Amazon from the inside out Kiko Surumu: education for indigenous youth and adults Samela Sateré-Mawé, activist and indigenous youth Alessandra Munduruku: activist by choice and history Junior Yanomami and the defense of territory in the middle of the gold mining crisis Angela Mendes, daughter of Chico Mendes, defends her father’s legacy COP15: what is the UN Conference on Biodiversity? What is COP27?