
Technical terms, public policy, and initiatives to achieve zero deforestation and conserve forests explained with a simple click by quick and easy consultation.

Selo Verde (Green Seal) Platform

The first government platform that allows public traceability of the livestock production chain in the state of Pará.

The Selo Verde is a platform developed by the Government of Pará and the Federal University of Minas Gerais with openly available data that should allow for the traceability of the entire livestock production chain in that Amazonian state. Cross-referencing official data has the potential to identify where each ox is raised, listing direct and indirect bovine suppliers and possible environmental offenses in the breeding, rearing, fattening, and slaughtering stages. It is the first initiative of its kind carried out by a state government. The project will support producers in the regularization of their properties and monitor compliance with environmental and labor legislation in the supply of cattle. Those who are up to date with their legal obligations will receive a Green Seal for their products, meeting growing demands from investors and commodity buyers for deforestation-free meat.

See also:,para-vai-dar-selo-verde-para-pecuarista-que-criar-gado-em-area-sem-desmatamento,70003694899

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