The Pará Beef Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TAC)
Agreements between Pará slaughterhouses and the Federal Public Ministry to prevent the purchase of cattle from areas where criminal deforestation and other irregularities have occurred.The Beef Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TAC) are agreements signed since 2009 between Pará slaughterhouses and the Federal Prosecutor’s Office to try to prevent the purchase of cattle from farms where criminal deforestation has been proven, or from illegal production in Indigenous Lands, Conservation Units, or producers that use slave labor. To sell to slaughterhouses, producers must have properties included in the Rural Environmental Registry, approved plans for environmental regularization, and respect labor legislation. The government of Pará and city halls pledged to adopt public policies to reduce deforestation and modernize the agricultural production chain. The initiative had good rates of compliance with the rules for environmental and social legality, but gaps in the wide cattle supply chain, forgeries in the Rural Environmental Registry, and in records of cattle raised in areas where crimes have occurred prevent livestock farming in Pará from being considered crime-free. At the same time, supermarket chains also did not reduce purchases from slaughterhouses involved in alleged irregularities.
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