Funai – National Indian Foundation
A federal agency created in 1967 with the responsibility for implementing policies for the protection and promotion of indigenous rights throughout the national territory.
Funai (National Indigenous Foundation) is a federal agency linked to the Ministry of Justice created in 1967, at the height of the military dictatorship (1964-1985), with the responsibility to implement policies for the protection and promotion of indigenous rights in the entire national territory. During that period, the agency followed an assimilationist policy, forcing the integration of indigenous communities into urban society. Indigenous policies were neglected in favor of national defense plans, construction of roads and hydroelectric plants, expansion of farmlands, and mining. The Federal Constitution of 1988 changed this political scenario, breaking with this assimilationist doctrine. The Constitution guaranteed the indigenous peoples exclusive use of their traditionally occupied territories and recognized them and their organizations as legitimate parties to defend their rights in court, among other advances. Currently, the Jair Bolsonaro administration has been promoting changes in Funai and seeks to change the legislation with the support of the National Congress to resume the policies of the military dictatorship for the assimilation of indigenous people into urban society and the opening of their territories to conventional economic activities, such as mining, farming, and electric power generation.
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