The CPP is a voluntary sector agreement that sought to eliminate deforestation in the beef production chain in the Amazon.
The CPP (Public Livestock Commitment) was a voluntary agreement initiated by Greenpeace in 2009 that tried to mobilize slaughterhouses to eliminate deforestation in the beef production chain in the Amazon. The commitment required companies to verify whether or not the cattle they bought were being raised on farms embargoed by federal or state environmental agencies, whether they overlapped with conservation units and/or indigenous lands, and whether they used slave labor, among other crimes. However, failures in tracking and demobilizing companies to eliminate deforestation in Amazonian livestock made Greenpeace abandon the CPP negotiating table in 2017. Two years later, in 2019, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office recognized that no company operating in the Amazon could “say that no cattle are coming from illegally deforested areas in their productive activity”. The cattle herd continues to grow amidst the tropical forest at rates above the national average.
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