Natural forest
Area covered by trees and other forms of native vegetation whose environment is shared with a biodiversity adapted to those natural conditions.There are more than 800 definitions for forests and many countries adopt definitions as varied as the natural regions they harbor. Thus, forest typologies are influenced by items such as latitude, density and height of trees, temperature, rainfall, soil composition and human activities. Generally, though, a forest is a set of vegetation where woody species predominate and where the treetops touch each other, forming a canopy. Natural forests are also the fruit and source of interactions with animals and other forms of life. In other words, biodiversity has an intrinsic connection with forests, tending to be richer the longer natural vegetation is conserved. Brazil has forests in all regions, maintaining ecosystem services and providing timber, extractive, and medicinal resources, as well as spaces for leisure and tourism.
native forest, exotic forest, forest, woods, jungle
See also: