Sociobioeconomics transform the Amazon


Concept carries the prefix ‘socio’ to highlight the importance of knowledge of local communities for growth while preserving nature.

Sociobioeconomics is a concept that recognizes the model of traditional communities to ensure biodiversity and, as such, presents itself as an alternative to the way society has historically developed.

The term ‘bioeconomics’ emerged in Europe, but was recently given the prefix ‘socio’ and new meaning in Brazil: one that places value on our traditional way of life, which has been developing over centuries without destroying nature.

The Amazon itself is an example of the sociobioeconomy. There are a number of studies of history and archaeology showing that most of the forest is the creation of peoples who have lived there for centuries and millennia.

Salo Coslovsky, a professor at New York University.

The paradigm shift is in recognizing these traditional local economies as holders of knowledge, drivers of innovation and providers of environmental services.

The sociobioeconomy differs by valuing traditional forest management and its associated knowledge, in contrast to a broader, more purely commercial approach.

One practical example is the collection of Brazil nuts, an activity that generates income for traditional communities. Projects such as "Origens Brasil" seek to promote transparent trade with the traceability of products.

Each family works and receives their money. It's good work for the village, to preserve the culture, to help out.

Bekuwa Coobay of the Kaiapó Kubenkrakenh village.

In addition to Brazil nuts, projects operate in the chains of cumaru, copaíba, fruit pulps, among others.

R$ 5,4 billion

According to the WWF, in Pará alone, the socioeconomic chain had, in 2019, an economic performance similar to that of livestock, accounting for

The big mission is to bring solutions, options, alternatives to be able to resist the predatory activities they have in these territories.

Helena Menu, manager of the project Florestas de Valor.

REPORTING Emily Costa TEXT AND EDITING Carolina Dantas PHOTOS Imaflora/Publicity; Aloyana Lemos/Origens Brasil; Valdemir Cunha/Greenpeace; VISUAL IDENTITY Clara Borges ASSEMBLY Luiza Toledo